2023-04-07 14:15:00
Dear AGU students,
We would like to inform you that one of our partner universities UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI BERGAMO will organise ‘’Humanities Summer School’’, in collaboration with Fairleigh Dickinson University (New Jersey) from 19 June to 14 July 2023.
The Humanities Summer School is a 4-week intensive ONLINE program for University students (BA and MA). Although all classes will be held in English, the courses are NOT aimed at language learning but focus on humanistic, social, and economic topics with an interdisciplinary approach and high profile teachers.
The deadline for registration is 15 May 2023 and registration is subject to availability. You can find a complete description of the program and detailed information in the brochure attached.
Click here for the application form.
After filling the application form, please send it to humanitiessummerschool@unibg.it
There is no registration fee for students coming from partner universities.
For further information, please visit the website: https://www.unibg.it/internazionale/destinazione-unibg/programmi-congiunti-e-summer-school/humanities-summer-school .
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